Divining Guidance for the Modern Day Prophet
Curious about reclaiming your prophetic gifts? Catch Corin's FREE webinar, From Silence to Guidance: Clearing Pathways for Angelic Communication below!
Next, dive deeper into uncovering your power of prophecy for personal guidance and healing — through the spiritual gifts of intuition, divination, and communication with angels, ancestors, and allies!
It’s been prophesied by Toltec, Q’ero, Hopi, and many other traditions that humanity will one day be called back into its spiritual and mystical nature...

That a day would come when we’d remember the old ways, and we’d once again be in authentic communion with the angels and allies of the cosmos and the land.

There’s no question — that time is now. We’re in the middle of a new dawn rising in human consciousness.

This is not a drill. The new hope and glory we’ve been longing for have arrived — for those who understand how to make powerful contact with the bubbling spring of new vitality that lives within the earth.

And if you’ve sensed the angels have been calling you, then you’re already in the midst of something beautiful…

Yet, without intentionally cultivating and reclaiming your visionary abilities and spiritual gifts, you’ll keep running into resistance through no fault of your own. Thanks to religious colonization, you (along with most of western culture) have likely been alienated from your ancestral lineages, spiritual practices, and the land.

Many of us have forgotten the teachings of our ancestors and our deeply mystical nature — rooted in creating authentic and direct relationships with nature, animals, and with our cosmic brothers and sisters, the angels, the ancestors, and other divine allies.

Within your DNA, our Creator and your ancestors have gifted you mystical abilities for guidance, direction, resilience, and healing — for personal and collective evolution.

Thankfully, these suppressed and stolen teachings are reemerging as human consciousness begins to reawaken. These times are offering you a powerful invitation for transformation — and there’s nothing to fear.

You can choose to take sacred action by honing your craft of angel communication and refining the ways you’re receiving, accessing, and interpreting their messages — then applying them directly to your life (and the lives of those around you) as the modern-day prophet you’re called to be.
Your mystical gifts are your biggest blessing — the more you say YES to the call of Spirit, the more your gifts come to life within you. The angels are ready to come closer to show you even more about who you are and what else is possible. It’s literally what they do best.

When you’re fully in communion with the Divine, you can finally connect to the deep source of love, support, and joy that is truly your birthright.

Cultivating this kind of spiritual power is the medicine your spirit team is calling you to explore — so you can bring more beauty, hope, wisdom, compassion, healing, and love to your family, friends, community, and yes, even the world. (Heaven on earth IS real!) 

Reclaim the Power of Prophecy for Your Own Guidance & Healing
Join Corin Grillo, psychotherapist, author, speaker, healer, and teacher, for this 4-part on-demand training and examine the spiritual and cultural practices of various indigenous and ancient cultures to develop an understanding of how to decolonize angel communication and reclaim the gifts embedded in your spiritual DNA.

Your ancestors have gifted you mystical abilities for guidance, direction, resilience, and healing — for personal and collective evolution….

They knew how to be in an authentic relationship with the Divine. They knew how to receive clear guidance and how to produce true miracles with Divine support and the benevolent forces of nature. These same gifts are within you right now, coursing through your veins.

As these times unfold, exploring your mystical nature is essential. Opening your spiritual abilities helps you enter into sacred, very real communion with the angels, ancestors, and other allies.

If you’re new to angel communication, you’ll feel welcome and right where you need to be!

If you’ve been working with some of these gifts already, you'll elevate and accelerate your gifts. Applying these teachings through this new framework will deepen your own healing, as well as your work with others. 

Do you know exactly how the angels are talking to you, right this moment?

Ancient prophets often spoke of miraculous manifestations and communication with the divine through the portal of nature. There’s a reason for this….

Our Creator has gifted you the miracle of infinite resources and divine allies to heal your mind, heart, and body. The trick is learning how to discern and receive these gifts — and communicate to build strong relationships with these divine friends.

In this workshop, you’ll enter into the ancestral memory and build the foundations for prophetic communication with your angels and spirit team through the deeper mysteries of nature.

You’ll learn how to strengthen your allegiances and relationships with your angels, ancestors, animals, and other allies —  by working with the cross-cultural symbol of the circle and the cross.
Corin will help you create a clear bridge of communication with the archangels, and your angels, so you can receive divine guidance with more clarity and confidence.

Through this process, you’ll learn to gather profound protection, vitality, love, healing, and wisdom by learning how to ally with these powerful, benevolent cosmic forces — just as your ancestors did.

Corin will walk you through this powerful initiation with nature and the archangels to help you dissolve intuitive blocks and open your spiritual senses — so you’ll have no doubt that the angels and other divine allies are very real… and they’re here to help you.

You’ll also learn skills and practices to:
Take your “angelship” to the next level when you identify how angels and ancestors communicate with you 
Help you build a strong foundation so you can receive clear angel communication
Dispel psychic interference while using the portals of nature
Connect with your angels and spirit team whenever you need to
Overcome and deconstruct our culture’s toxic belief systems, superstitions and myths that have robbed you of an authentic bond with Spirit and your spiritual lineage
Dissolve mental blocks and fears that stop you from embodying your spiritual power and intuition
Reclaim your birthright and access all of the good info that's right inside of you — coded in your DNA
Corin will help you create a clear bridge of communication with the archangels, and your angels, so you can receive divine guidance with more clarity and confidence.

Through this process, you’ll learn to gather profound protection, vitality, love, healing, and wisdom by learning how to ally with these powerful, benevolent cosmic forces — just as your ancestors did.

Corin will walk you through this powerful initiation with nature and the archangels to help you dissolve intuitive blocks and open your spiritual senses — so you’ll have no doubt that the angels and other divine allies are very real… and they’re here to help you. 

You’ll also learn skills and practices to:
Take your “angelship” to the next level when you identify how angels and ancestors communicate with you 
Help you build a strong foundation so you can receive clear angel communication
Dispel psychic interference while using the portals of nature
Connect with your angels and spirit team whenever you need to
Overcome and deconstruct our culture’s toxic belief systems, superstitions and myths that have robbed you of an authentic bond with Spirit and your spiritual lineage
Dissolve mental blocks and fears that stop you from embodying your spiritual power and intuition
Reclaim your birthright and access all of the good info that's right inside of you — coded in your DNA
Corin will help you create a clear bridge of communication with the archangels, and your angels, so you can receive divine guidance with more clarity and confidence.

Through this process, you’ll learn to gather profound protection, vitality, love, healing, and wisdom by learning how to ally with these powerful, benevolent cosmic forces — just as your ancestors did.

Corin will walk you through this powerful initiation with nature and the archangels to help you dissolve intuitive blocks and open your spiritual senses — so you’ll have no doubt that the angels and other divine allies are very real… and they’re here to help you. 


Holy shit, even the replay of this program was mind- blowing! MAJOR shift and discoveries. Corin, I am blown away by this work and your authenticness in delivering it. Thank you!

– Diane

Register Now to Reclaim Your Spiritual Gifts!
Register Now to Reclaim Your Spiritual Gifts!
For this workshop, you'll receive:
Video teachings from Corin available for you to stream in high-quality format, anytime and anywhere — on any connected device.
Full-length audio recordings via high-quality MP3. so you can listen in and catch up at your convenience.
4 Digital workbooks jam-packed with exercises and journal prompts to deepen your journey 
Plus! Access the Reclaim Your Spiritual Gifts Bonus Collection when you register now.
Unlock FREE instant access to this powerful collection that includes:

  • Ancestor Healing Meditation - If you're ready to release your negative family patterns, learn more about your ancestors, and break free of some old negativity keeping you trapped, this meditation is for you.

  • Detoxing and Banishing Ritual - Detox from guilt, shame, unworthiness and anything else you're toting around from the past when you tune into this potent meditation. It’s a wonderful way to make positive energetic space and bring in the angels in a specific way.

  • Meet Your Guardian Angel Meditation - This meditation will take you through a simple process for making powerful contact with your personal guardian angel. You may have met your angel before, but keep an open mind because often when you start new initiations, you might get assigned someone a little different!

I love Corin's programs so much. They have up-leveled me more and faster than anything else I've tried! Corin's guidance is so on point and I am bursting with gratitude!

– Lea

Register Now to Reclaim Your Spiritual Gifts!
Register Now to Reclaim Your Spiritual Gifts!
Here's what folks are saying about working with Corin...

"Corin is a SAVVY, knowledgeable, potent and charismatic teacher, and CLEAR in her intentions and delivery. My life has shifted in unimaginable ways since coming into contact with Corin's playful party ways, and I AM forever changed. Thank you Corin for seeing me and believing in me, and helping ME to see and believe too!"


"I feel like Corin is a soul sister - speaking right to my heart. She gives a lot of knowledge about different traditions, swears, and is authentic and also goes unapologetically into the woo woo.. a perfect combination!  "


"The things you will learn about yourself are priceless. The bonus is that you will actually be able to communicate with the angels and learn what their signs and messages mean to you, and in turn, if you choose, you will be able to help others. And the very very best part is you become a part of a community that loves you for exactly who you are. There is never anything that needs hidden and there is never any judgement, it is a true community of love!"


"I have changed so much over the course of this program. I used to be depressed, my body was full of disease, my home was filled with despair and in total disarray, but no more. Through Corin's teachings, I can honestly say “I Woke Up", now each and every morning I awaken with gratitude for my life, my family, and most importantly Love ...Love for ALL that is."


"Corin is connected to a higher power, yet grounded and no BS. She's compassionate, kind and so easy to understand. Simply divine! Her program made me feel connected, curious, and confident."


"I began this training hoping I could learn to work with the angels and heal my physical ailments. What I received was far beyond my expectations. I learned to fully trust my angels and my own self. I learned to love myself, love the little girl in me, learned to love all around me unconditionally and be of service to others. This training has revealed my darkest fears and limitations and taught me to transmute them into my own personal power. I am a renewed soul since joining this training and I am forever grateful to Corin for this fantastic, angel powered, kick-ass program!"


Meet Corin.

Corin Grillo is a proud Chicana and Puerto Rican mother, licensed psychotherapist, author, speaker, transformational leader, and founder of the Angel Alchemy Academy, an intuitive healing institute with students that span the globe.

A mind-blowing miracle from the angels saved her life, cured her of life-long depression, and awakened her spiritual gifts.

She now teaches others all over the world how to awaken their spiritual gifts, deepen their connection with their angels, ancestors, and other divine allies, to help them open up to their authentic spiritual power, heal, and discover their sacred mission.

She teaches by bridging others with direct mystical experiences, excessive amounts of laughter, down to earth spiritual wisdom, ritual, and powerful energy medicine that awakens the heart, mind, and soul.

Miracles are real. You are not alone. There is no such thing as coincidence. 

Corin is to the point, honest, present and on a mission to help people heal themselves and the world. Combined with humor and being vulnerable, that is the most powerful teaching I ever experienced and makes it an honor to be in Corin's program! 

– Anja

Dear magical one, Spirit is asking you to open your eyes and embrace your sacred nature. The world is ready for you to come out of hiding…

Our time is now.

Dear magical one, Spirit is asking you to open your eyes and embrace your sacred nature. The world is ready for you to come out of hiding…

Our time is now.

Our team is passionately committed to creating and maintaining a culture of total inclusion and connectedness. We recognize that we are only able to thrive as humans when all cultures, ethnicities, genders, and sexual orientations are able to freely express themselves.

We are unwavering in our allyship. We celebrate and welcome humans from all walks of life with open arms.

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